Alicia is my oldest daughter.
She is also my first child, born when I had just turned 20 years old.
A few months ago I came to the shocking realization that she was needing to get her drivers license.
I had just lost mine, so we took the test together. Somehow, she scored slightly better than I did!
But that has not kept her out of the snowbanks.
She’s already a senior in high-school.
While Alicia is preparing for college, I’m seeing a graduation in the near future.
Nothing makes you see the swiftness of time like your daughter being a senior in high-school.
It seems like yesterday that I was there.
People used to tell me “Just wait until they become teenagers” in a daunting tone.
I don’t look at it like that.
Alicia is basically an adult now, I truly appreciate who she has become and is becoming.
We’ve shared a lot of ups and downs and amazing experiences.
She is my deep-thinking, poetic, argumentative, smart, style-challenged daughter, and I wouldn’t have her any other way.